August 9, 2011

U Don't Know Pt. 2- Much Music Recap


August 9th, 2011
Holly J gets a second chance, but it comes at a price. Adam wants to make a drastic change and Imogen pushes her feelings for Eli too far. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode of Degrassi after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah spoilers. Click here to watch the most recent episode and clickhere to read the last recap.
Holly J finds out that her birth mother had left her adoption open, allowing Holly J access to her phone number. Holly J calls her and sets up a coffee date for that night at The Dot. Fiona comes along for support and the two girls meet Dawn and her two kids.
Holly J finds out that Dawn got pregnant in University and tried to raise Holly J on her own, but eventually have her up for adoption to the Sinclairs. Dawn is smart and pretty, just like Holly J, but when it’s time for Holly J to tell her about her kidney she backs out. Dawn is a single mother and they’ve just met and Holly J doesn’t think she has the right to ask her for a vital organ.
Fiona gets tested to see whether she’s a match for Holly J and unfortunately, she isn’t. The doctor has even more bad news. More?!?! Holly J is in end stage kidney failure and the hospital is unable to slow the deterioration down. Holly J needs a kidney and fast or else she isn’t going to make it.
It’s now or never. Holly J has another coffee date with Dawn and tells her birth mom all about her medical issues and asks Dawn to get tested. Dawn is resistant at first, but finally agrees.
The next day Holly J gets a call from Dawn telling her that she’s a match for the transplant! YAY! But then Dawn drops a bomb. She’ll give Holly J her kidney if Holly J agrees to give her $20,000. WHAT?!?! When did Degrassi become the black market?
Adam knows that no matter how loose his shirts are his breasts are still going to show. He talks to Mrs. Torres about getting chest reconstruction, but she is still scared that he’ll change his mind in the future and want to live as a girl. Mrs. Torres agrees that the two of them can speak to Adam’s counselor about the surgery and then decide what to do. At his counselors office Adam says that he is upset about the way he looks and wants the surgery. The counselor understands Adams concerns, but tells him that it’s a long process before he gets the okay for the surgery. In the meantime she gives him a padded tank top to help smooth out his chest.
Adam and Katie go on their fashion show celebratory date to a book signing and Adam tells Katie that he really likes her. He also tells her that he’s going to be making some physical changes to his appearance.
With the new found confidence from the padding, Adam approaches Katie in the hall and asks her out for a date. Uncomfortable, Katie tells Adam that she’s sorry she’s given him the wrong impression and that she just wants to be friends. Adam laughs it off like he just wants to be friends too, but he’s hurt.
Dave finds Adam in the hall later that day and asks how things went with Katie. Adam tells Dave that he’s done with dating and will never find anyone. Dave cheers Adam up and tells him that his ‘deboobing’ vest is work. Adam thanks him and promises to never make him look at Adam’s chest again.
Imogen has been given the role of Clara and is ecstatic. She thanks Eli and tells him that she’s so happy to be his leading lady in the play and in real life, but Eli quickly corrects Imogen and tells her that they’re not dating. He’s still trying to recover from everything that happened last semester and he’s not on his meds, making his emotions highly volatile.
Unfazed, Imogen puts a new plan into action. To thank Clare for all her help she gives Clare a gift certificate to Little Miss Steaks.
Excited, Clare thanks Imogen and tells her that she’s going to bring her boyfriend Jake to the restaurant that night.
Clare and Jake are enjoying their date night at Little Miss Steaks when Imogen walks in and sits at a table nearby. She’s invited Eli in hopes that him seeing Clare and Jake together will convince him that he should be with Imogen.
Instead, Eli gets there and is enraged that Imogen is pretending to be his girlfriend in front of Clare.
Clare realizes what Imogen is doing and is hella peeved. Not cool, Imogen, not cool.
At school the next day Imogen finds Eli in drama class and apologizes for the Little Miss Steaks incident. Instead, Eli thanks her. Seeing Clare and Jake together has made Eli realize that he’s not over Clare and wants her back. He’s even gone as far as asking Jake to help build the set for the play to keep his enemy close. Can you say backfire, Imogen?
Will Eli win Clare back? Will Holly J find the money to pay Dawn for her kidney? Will Adam go forward with the reconstructive surgery? Find out this season on Degrassi!

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