August 18, 2011

Extraordinary Machine Pt.2- Much Music Recap


August 18th, 2011
Love Roulette sees the stage go up in flames, KC and Jenna give Ty up for adoption and Fiona’s secret habit is a secret no more. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode of Degrassi after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah spoilers. Click here to watch the most recent episode and clickhere to read the last recap.
Everyone is running around getting ready for the night’s premiere of Love Roulette.
Eli is laying the charm on extra thick for Imogen. So does he like her or not? Je suis confused. Eli says that after making out with Imogen for two hours everything has become clear. The only thing keeping Eli from Clare is Jake. Okay, Imogen is a bit nutters, but no one deserves that huge a slap in the face.
Eli tells Imogen that he’s going to stash his pills (that he’s been spitting out) in Jake’s bag, call in an anonymous tip and hope that Jake gets suspended.
Imogen tries to convince Eli to take his pills, but Eli refuses and says that he won’t take his meds until he gets Clare back. Imogen offers to plant the drugs in Jakes backpack. Hm. She volunteered a liiiittle too fast.
Eli and Imogen watch Jake and Clare’s lockers get searched. Nothing is in Jake’s bag, but Clare’s bag has a whooooole lot of drugs.
Realizing what she’s done, a furious Eli tells Imogen that she’s nothing to him.
Clare is in Simpson’s office when Eli bursts in and shows that the pills match his bottle of medication. Eli makes up a story about Clare helping Eli take his medication and Clare pretends it’s true. Simpson agrees to wait until after the play to talk to Eli’s parents.
Clare is trying to interview Fiona when Eli attempts to apologize for the pills. Clare finally says what Eli has pushed her to say. They are never getting back together.
It’s ten minutes before the play starts and no one can find Imogen. Eli tells Fiona that he can’t do the play. Fiona offers to fill in for the part of Clara. Imogen shows up, but stays in the shadows.
In the middle of the play Eli starts to forget his lines and argue with Fiona in front of the audience. Oh lawd, this is painful.
Eli goes off script and gives a monologue as Eli, not Ari. He tells the audience that they can’t have their happy ending. Finally, he grabs the script from Fiona and sets in on fire, collapsing onto the stage.
In the audience we see Clare watch her ex spill his most inner feelings about her in front of a room full of people. Is she scared of impressed?
But wait! Love Roulette isn’t a disaster! Everyone seems to think Eli’s monologue was planned and the cast get a standing ovation!
After the play Mr. Simpson finds Eli’s parents and tells them about Eli being off his med. Bullfrog finds Eli in the theatre and Eli is finally ready to get better, but not for Clare. For himself. Hallelujah!
After talking to Eli’s doctor, Bullfrog decides that it would be best
What does that smile mean? Is the old (good) Eli back? I hope so!
Anya skips school to rush home and tell her mom that she’s joining the army and couldn’t be more excited. Anya’s mom doesn’t like how dangerous the army is and takes the wind out of Anya’s sails. But Anya has already applied and pulls the “I’m 18” card.
Anya gets a call from the recruiting office. She was the perfect candidate, but she failed her drug test. How exactly did she think she’d pass?
Anya is waiting for her mom outside of school so they can see Riley in Love Roulette. Anya’s mom found her necklace at home…and the cocaine in it. Anya tells her mom she failed the drug test into the army.
Anya isn’t going to give up on the army yet. She’s going to reapply and this time her mom is supportive! Yay drug-free Anya!
Dave finds KC at school the next day and calls him out for sabotaging the adoption meeting. KC says that he wants to delay the adoption until Jenna takes him back. Dave points out that it’s more important to find a good home for Ty.
KC called the Powells and asked them to reconsider adopting Ty. The agreed, and KC and Jenna will sign the papers after school. Ugh. I don’t want to watch this.
Jenna, KC and KC’s mom Lisa all take turns holding Ty for the last time. I ugly-cry.
Finally, KC and Jenna give Ty away.
As if this day couldn’t get any worse, Jenna moves out.

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