August 17, 2011

Extraordinary Machine Pt.1- Much Music Recap


August 17th, 2011
Eli takes advantage of Imogen’s affection for him, Jenna and KC are at a crossroads over adoption and Anya risks everything for her drug habit. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode of Degrassi after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah spoilers. Click here to watch the most recent episode and clickhere to read the last recap.
Bullfrog gives Eli a ride to school and also hands Eli his pills, which he pretends to take. Roh row. Eli spits the pill out and puts it in a plastic bag with his other pills. Does this mean that he might take them later or is it part of his hoarding past to hang on to the drugs? Either way, they should be in his tum tum, not bag bag.
Eli has made changes to the play, including changing the character of Fritz to Jack…which is pretty close to Jake. Oh, and Clara now ends up with Ari. Oh oh, and the play is tomorrow night. Geez Eli! Jake is not impressed with Jack. He thinks Eli based Jack on him and I’m about 99.99% sure he’s right. Eli makes it very clear that he’s trying to get Clare back and Jake makes it clear that he needs to stay away from Clare. Jake quits the play, but thankfully doesn’t punch Eli.
Riley has agreed to replace Jake, but it’s a huge amount to learn before the curtain goes up and Eli is yelling at everyone.
Frustrated, Fiona decides it’s time to bring Ms. Dawes back into the play to help.
Eli tries to explain that made he changes so that the audience gets a happy ending and as a result, hope. Fiona still doesn’t think that the changes will work, but Ms. Dawes tells them they have to work together, no matter what.
Imogen calls Eli are not taking his pills, but he keeps saying that he’s fine. Eli kisses Imogen’s hand and asks her to spread the word about the play, totally leading her on. Uncool.
Eli finds Clare in the office of the Degrassi Daily and asks her to write an article about the new ending of the play. Clare is too busy at the moment, but agrees to meet Eli at The Dot that night at 7. Is she cray cray?
Eli is flying high with excitement over his ‘date’ with Clare. Bullfrog is still worried since the doctor said extreme emotions, even happy, could be dangerous.
Clare is trying to talk to Eli about the play, but he keeps telling her that she looks pretty.
Clare asks about Imogen, but Eli gets upset and doesn’t want to talk about Imogen. Jake shows up at The Dot to meet Clare for a movie and Eli gets even more shakey than he was before. Eli decides the interview is a bad idea and puts an end to it. Best decision he’s made in weeks!
Eli invites Imogen over to practice the ending scene, which includes them kissing. Oh, then he calls her Clare.
And she still makes out with him. I’m at a loss as to who is more messed up.
KC and Jenna have found a couple to take Ty, but first the couple has to meet Jenna and KC and get their approval. This shouldn’t be heartbreaking. NOT!
KC still doesn’t want to give Ty away, but Lisa points out that Ty shouldn’t go through what KC did growing up. KC apologizes to Jenna for saying they should break up, but Jenna is already packing.
At school, KC gives Dave crap about telling Jenna that he was cheating with Marisol and Dave isn’t having it. Good for him! Dave tells KC that Jenna is moving in with Alli temporarily. KC still wants to be with Jenna and is bent on finding a way to convince her to stay.
KC brings Jenna flowers and apologizes for cheating, but Jenna still won’t take him back. Jenna admits that if it weren’t for Ty she doesn’t think they’d still be together anyways.
Jenna and KC are meeting with the adoptive parents Ed and Kathy and it seems to be going well.
Jenna wants them to be the parents, but KC puts the breaks on and says he’s not comfortable with the adoption.
Anya is regularly hanging out with Chloe and that means regularly doing coke. Chloe drops Anya off at school after a night of partying and Anya buys coke from Chloe before getting out of the car. Awesome.
Anya tries apologizing to Owen again for getting wasted last time they hung out and he forgives her.
In-between classes Owen helps Anya prep for her career fair that she has to go to with her mom. At the last minute Anya drags Owen along to the career fair, hoping she won’t be the only one there without a five year plan. Apparently, Owen has one. Who knew?!
That night Anya and Owen are out playing pool, but she’s upset that she didn’t find a job that looked interesting at the career fair.
Upset, Anya picks a fight with Owen and takes off to the bathroom.
She comes back in a much, much, much better mood. Owen calls her on doing coke in the bathroom. That call would be correct.
Back in the bathroom Anya is puking as a result of a bad batch of coke from Chloe. Bianca finds Anya and Anya starts unloading her issues. Bianca has zero sympathy and I can’t really blame her.
In the bathroom in the club there is an ad playing for the Canadian Force and Anya gets an idea…
Is Anya going to enlist? Will Eli totally lose it at the premiere of Love Roulette? Will KC and Jenna give Ty up for adoption? Find out on this season of Degrassi!

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