August 16, 2011

Mr. Brightside Pt.1- Much Music Recap


August 16th, 2011
Drew breaks the first rule of Fight Club with Katie, Alli invites Dave to her house and jeopardizes their relationship and Holly J gets an answer on her birth mother’s blackmail. Find out what happened on last night’s episode after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah spoilers. Click here to watch the most recent episode and clickhere to read the last recap.
Drew is still training to be a MMA fighter and it seems like he’s improved.
The guys practice in the gym, until Coach Armstrong arrives. I wonder if he thinks it’s odd that Drew’s lip is bleeding from lifting weights? Armstrong brings the girls into the weight room and someone that seems to have taken an interest in Drew is Katie. But didn’t her bestie Marisol like Drew last year? Roh row.
After Armstrong almost catches them the guys decide to stop practicing for a while to avoid getting caught and suspended. Drew doesn’t take the news well. Later that night, Adam wants Drew to play video games, but Drew won’t let up in his training. Drew tells Adam about the MMA training and while he’s skeptical, Adam is happy that Drew has found something to keep him happy.
The next day in wrestling practice, Drew hangs out in the bleachers, but declines Coach Armstrong’s invite onto the mat.
Mo and Drew disagree on who a better MMA fighter is (for the record, if Mo is a wrestler then he would totally be a GSP fan) and decide to settle their argument with a friendly physical fight. Actually, I don’t think that’s a real thing.
Mo and Drew are fighting in the weight room and Katie catches a glimpse of Drew beating the crapola outta Mo.
Apparently Katie found this a turn on and talks to Drew about fighting and why he likes beating people up. She’s writing a story about violence in youth culture. I think it’s a front to talk to Drew.
Drew tells her that he likes fighting because it makes him feel like he can survive.
Drew tells the guys that he and Mo were fighting and they worry that he told Katie about the fighting, but Drew says that she can be the look out.
Annnnd backfire! Katie published a story about fighting at school and as a result Simpson isn’t letting anyone in the weight room without supervision. D’oh. Drew freaks out on Simpson and gets detention as a result.
Drew finds Katie and yells at her for publishing her story. Katie isn’t apologetic, but it does seem like any shot she had with Drew is ovah. Drew leaves the room throwing a chair! Who does he think he is, Eli Goldsworthy?
Alli and Dave are in full on Dalli mode and Dave wants Alli to ask her parents if she can go out after dinner. Shockingly, her parents say yes to letting her go out. Mr. Bhandari assumes Alli is going out with Clare and Alil doesn’t correct him.
In class, Alli tells Clare that she’s still lying to her parents and doesn’t want to ruin how well things are going at home. Clare suggests Alli invite Dave over as a friend and then tell her parents that they’re dating after they see that Dave is nice and smart.
Alli asks Dave to come over for dinner and Dave says yes, but Alli still wants to prep him for the meeting. No rap music, no mention of boyfriend status and yes to his dad being a cop. So…don’t talk.
Dave shows up in a shirt and tie to the Bhadari’s and a few lies, such as liking cricket. The meeting is going great, but Dave is upset that Alli’s parents aren’t getting to know the real him.
Alli says the real Dave wouldn’t have lasted in front of her parents. Ouch. Dave decides it’s time to make an early exit, but I’m not sure whether it’s from just the Bhandari’s house or his relationship with Alli. FYI Dave, if you’re meeting your girlfriend/boyfriends parents, you dress up and are on your best behaviour. This goes for everyone, not just Alli’s parents.
Holly J is trying on Fiona’s dresses for prom, but Holly J isn’t in the celebrating mood after finding out her birth mom will only give her a kidney if Holly J gives her $20,000.
Fiona tells Holly J that she wants to give her the money as a prom gift and already has a lawyer drawing up the paper work. Imma gonna cry. Fiona gets a call from her lawyer and won’t let her give Holly J the money because it’s illegal to buy organs. Now Imma really gonna cry.
Holly J is having coffee with Dawn in the morning with her kids and Holly J tells Dawn she can’t pay her for her kidney because it’s illegal.
Dawn won’t budge and Holly J tells her that she’s selfish and shouldn’t have kids.
Holly J tells Fiona that she regrets yelling and Dawn because she didn’t even bother getting to know her birth mom before asking her for an organ.
Will Drew find somewhere dangerous to fight? Will Dave and Alli make it as a couple? Will Holly J make it, period? Find out this season on Degrassi!

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