August 8, 2011

U Don't Know Pt. 1- Much Music Recap


August 8th, 2011
Holly J gets the shock of her life, Adam finds a new love interest and Imogen takes method acting to a whole new level. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode of Degrassi after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah spoilers. Click here to watch the most recent episode and clickhere to read the last recap.
It’s Degrassi’s Next Top Model Fashion Show and Holly J is in charge of trying to get the girls of the school to become the models of the school. Chantay Naomi Campbell’s herself down the runway, but Holly J is looking for something a bit more subdued.
When it’s her turn to attack the runway and show the ladies how it’s done, Holly J collapses from a severe muscle cramp and can’t get back up.
At the hospital Holly J and Mrs. Sinclair get the bad news from the doctor. Holly J’s kidneys are deteriorating faster than they had predicated and she’ll have to start doing dialysis everyday. The bad news doesn’t end there. Holly J will need a kidney transplant sooner rather than later. Her family will have to get tested to see whether anyone is a match for a transplant, but when everyone’s blood results come back it turns out that Holly J is a different blood type from the rest of her family, something that is very, very, very rare. What gives?
At school Holly J tells Fiona about the transplant and Fiona offers to get tested. I’m not surprised – Fiona is a pretty awesome friend. Holly J is appreciative, but she can’t shake the feeling that something is weird with her having a different blood type.
She starts looking through photo albums and realizes there aren’t any baby pictures of her, only pictures of Holly J as a toddler.
Finally, Holly J can’t ignore the facts. She knows that she’s been adopted and that her parents have been keeping this from her for almost 18 years. Holly J is devastated, but Fiona points out the silver lining; two birth parents means four more kidneys. After school that day Mrs. Sinclair picks Holly J up for dialysis. Needing confirmation, Holly J confronts her mom about being adopted and Mrs. Sinclair comes cleans.
After Holly J’s sister was born they couldn’t have anymore children, so they adopted Holly J when she was eleven months old. The Sinclairs were going to tell Holly J when she was 18. Holly J takes the news surprisingly well and decides that she wants to try to find her birth parents, who will hopefully be open to giving her a kidney.
With Holly J unable to keep up with her duties as head of the fashion show because of the daily dialysis, she puts Katie in charge.
Katie stops by Adam and Dave’s Mano a Mano show to ask people to check out the runway show and ends up flirting with Adam, like, a lot!
Dave is hosting the fashion show and Katie encourages Adam to sign up to be one of the male models. He thinks she’s just being polite, but Dave encourages Adam to pursue things with Katie. Can I just say that I LOVE these two as friends now? Amazing.
Finally, Adam builds up the courage to talk to Katie and ask her whether he can still be a part of the fashion show. She says yes and Adam keeps his courage up and asks her whether she knows that he’s trans. She does and doesn’t seem to have a problem with Adam’s sexuality. Could this be a potential new relationship?
Adam walks Katie down the runway and the entire show is a huge success. Adam invites Katie out to celebrate afterwards and she says yes.
Before they leave Adam finds Marisol, who is also Katie’s best friend, and asks whether she thinks Adam has a shot with Katie. Marisol admits that Adam’s physical make up will make it very unlikely that Katie would be interested in anything more than a friendship with Adam. Ouch.
Adam thinks he’s been doing a good job of hiding his female features, but after Marisol’s comment he’s starting to doubt this. At school the next day Adam asks Dave to tell him honestly whether he can see Adam’s boobs under his shirt. Dave reluctantly looks and tells Adam that his breasts are still visible, even though Adam binds them.
Eli and Fiona are auditioning parts for Love Roulette and Imogen is intent on playing Clara. Shocker. When she tells Eli of her intentions to play his girlfriend in the play Eli tells Imogen that in order to play Clara, she must understand the inner workings of Clare Edwards.
Imogen starts following Clare around and attempting to copy all of her mannerisms. It takes about two seconds for Clare to notice this and she asks Imogen what exactly she’s doing.
Imogen explains that she wants to nail the part of Clara, so Clare strikes a deal with her that she’ll help Imogen if Imogen agrees to play the character of Clara as less evil than Eli has written her. She wants Eli to move on and be happy, so she asks Imogen to keep their working together a secret.
The next day Imogen walks into her audition wearing Clare’s clothes. Creeeeepy.
She nails the audition and a kiss with Eli! And not just a little kiss, a kiss kiss. I need to start acting. So, are they a couple now???
Will Holly J be able to find her birth parents before time runs out? Will Katie ever see Adam as more than a friend? Are Eli and Imogen the newest goth couple at Degrassi? Find out this season on Degrassi!

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