July 20, 2011

What's My Age Again?- Much Music Recap


July 20th, 2011
It’s Anya’s 18th birthday and that means she’s finally able to date Dr. Chris! But is the doctor in? Jenna needs KC around more, but KC wants to be anywhere but home.
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah deets. Click here to watch tonight’s episode and click here to read the last recap.
Anya, Fiona and Holly J are trying to come up with a them for Anya’s 18th birthday. I’m pretty sure Anya wants here theme to be ‘Watch Me Make Out With Dr. Chris’, but that’s really difficult to find streamers that match. The girls ask if the perfect doctor is coming to the party, so Anya calls and invites him. He can’t make the party, but he wants to take her out that night! Whoop!
Anya is discussing her upcoming doctor’s appointment at Miss Steaks and Owen overhears the convo. Chantay reminds Anya that school acceptances are going out over the next few days at to check for her letter from Toronto University. When the girls leave, Owen swoops in and tries asking Anya out again. She tells him that she is dating a doctor and calls Owen a pig for the millionth time. Well, he’s a hot pig.
On her way to her date with Dr. Chris (if it’s a date shouldn’t she call him by his first name?) Anya stops by Fiona’s place to remind her and Holly J that Anya told her mom she was staying with them for the night. The girls try to give Anya a (brutal) reality check that the age difference will probably make dating impossible. Anya directs the haters to the left and takes off for the date.
Anya and Dr. Chris have a nice dinner together and she tells him that she’s waiting for her acceptance to Toronto University. It’s the only school she applied to since she wants to be close to her mom…and him. And here comes the bomb. Dr. Chris is leaving in a few days for Kenya to work for Doctors Without Borders. For a year. Ugh. He tells her that he wished she was coming with him and that he hopes to see her when he gets back. That’s something, right?
Anya isn’t the only one having issues with the opposite sex. Wesley and Hanna have made their pogo relationship last and are hanging out in science class. When Connor starts starring at Hannah’s chest she decides it’s time to find somewhere else to sit.
Connor keeps playing the stare game in the next class and starts to get the hint from Hannah’s dirty looks. Because Connor has Asperger Syndrome he has trouble understand facial expressions, such as stop looking at my chest. When he asks Hannah what he did wrong she tells him to stop starring at her chest. Confused, Connor points out that Wesley does it all the time. Smooth. Wesley decides that Connor needs a girlfriend of his own and thinks that Anya’s upcoming b day party is the perfect place to meet a girl.
It looks like Drew’s legal problems are over.
Even though there are some issues with his statement, like how he hit Anson with the brick if he was on the ground being beaten by Anson, Drew’s lawyer tells him that the police are letting him go. Vince is being held by the evidence that Drew gave the police, so it looks like he and Bianca are safe!
Also, how much does Drew’s lawyer look like Randy Jackson?
Drew is ecstatic that he and Bianca can put everything behind them and never have to worry about Anson or Vince again.
KC may not actually be under arrest like Vince, but he is definitely starting to feel like home is jail. Ty won’t stop crying and when he does, KC wants to take off and hang out with his friends. Jenna, who’s been home alone all day, wants KC to stay and hang out with her.
The next day KC is again frustrated with the crying baby, so he lies and says they’re out of diapers just so that he can get out of the house. He ends up at Miss Steaks and sees a help wanted sign for a dishwasher and finally figures out how he can avoid being home. When he tells Jenna about his plan to get a job, she says she’s okay with the idea.
Drew and Bianca’s relief doesn’t last long. The next day Mrs. Torres gets a call from the detectives handling Vince, who tell her that they released him due to a lack of evidence. The Torres have filed a restraining order against Vince, but Drew doesn’t think that will keep him safe. Mrs. Torres blames Bianca for the millionth time and warns Drew that now he AND Bianca have pasts they can’t escape.
Upset at school the next day after over Dr. Chris leaving, Anya cries to Holly J about the situation. Holly J tries to make Anya feel better, but it’s hard to be mad at a guy who wants to save the world. Holly J suggests a girls night in with her and Fiona and that seems to cheer Anya up.
Anya wants some good news, so she checks the TU site to see whether her acceptance has arrived.
It has. Kinda. Anya didn’t get in to the one school she applied to. But then she starts to smile…wait, what?
Anya goes to Dr. Chris’ hospital to tell him the good news. She can go to Africa with him! Dr. Chris isn’t so happy about this. Awkward! Anya realizes that he was never that into her and storms off, heading to Fiona’s place for their girls night.
When Anya shows up at Fiona’s house she finds more than just her besties waiting for her. They’ve thrown her a surprise party. Yay! Except it’s on the most depressing day of her life. Boo. Connor, Wesley and Hanna are there, but Wesley instantly drops Connor to hang out with his girlfriend. When Connor tries talking to Fiona, things get cheesy and he runs off to her room to hide.
Connor quickly finds more than snow globes in Fiona’s room and seems to be continuing his fascination with the female form. He grabs a pair of Fiona’s underwear and shoves it in his pocket as Anya bursts in crying.
Distraught over TU and Dr. Chris, Anya turns her surprise party into a pity party. A few moments later Owen walks in. He keeps up his game of hitting on Anya and at a time she needs to hear a compliment the most, it works!
A new couple on Degrassi? Owya? Anwen? We’ll work on it.
Are Owen and Anya a couple now? Is Connor developing an underwear fetish? Will KC’s new job solve all his problems? Is Vince going to come after Drew and Bianca? Find out this season Degrassi!

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