July 21, 2011

Idioteque- Much Music Recap


July 21st, 2011
Anya regrets her b-day hookup, Connor expands his lingerie line and Drew pushes Bianca away. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode of Degrassi after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah deets. Click here to watch tonight’s episode and click here to read the last recap.
It’s the day after Fiona’s birthday party for Anya and Wesley checks in with Connor to find out whether he met any girls at the party. Connor says no, but when Ms. Oh walks by the boys on her way to shower in the girls locker room, Connor has an idea. They sneak in and Connor steals another pair of underwear!
Scared for his life, and rightly so, Wesley is even more shocked when he looks in Connor’s locker and sees another pair of underwear! The underwear falls on the floor just at Ms. Oh walks by, but the guys are able to cover it up.
Connor tells Wesley that it belongs to Fiona and Wesley makes Connor promise to not steal any more underwear. Connor promises, but later he follows the girls swim team into the locker room and takes even more underwear! What is happening?!?!
Anya’s hookup at her party with Owen is not as private as she had hoped. He changed his status on Facerange to say “Ask me about my one night stand at Fiona’s party.” Holly J and Fiona are disgusted and go on and on about how any girl who hooks up with Owen most have the worst self esteem.
Anya stays quiet and pretends to not know anything, later tracking Owen down and asking him to change his status. He agrees to, if she says yes to a date, but she refuses and walks away.
When Anya sits next to Riley in the computer lab he tells her that Owen has posted a clue about his hook up partner and Riley is pretty sure it’s Anya.
She denies it and sends Owen a private message saying that she regrets they had sex and will never touch him again…only she made the message private by mistake.
Fiona and Holly J find Anya in the cafeteria and tell her that her Facerange page was hacked.
Anya finally comes clean and admits that she didn’t get into Toronto University and that she did hook up with Owen. She also points out that they totally inadvertently bashed her and walks away. Anya-out.
At The Dot Owen finds Anya and apologizes for all the Facerange messages. He’s taken them down and still wants to take Anya out for a real date. Owen’s nice guy act seems to be working and Anya agrees to a date. Let’s just hope this isn’t an act!
Bianca is still celebrating over Drew being cleared of any charges and decides that now is the best time for her and Drew to have sex. It’s Drew’s first time and things don’t go…well, they just don’t go.
Is he nervous? Stressed about Vince? Either way, Bianca is peeved and peaces out, leaving Drew feeling like crapola.
Drew’s nerves are on edge. With the constant fear of Vince coming after him, Drew can’t think of anything else. When a garbage truck drops a dumpster outside his class, Drew hits the deck, thinking he’s being shot at. He tries to talk to Bianca about the way he’s feeling, but Bianca either doesn’t understand or refuses to feel bad for Drew. Upset, Drew tells her that he needs space and walks away.
Scared to be alone, Drew tries to get Dave to stay after school with him to play basketball. Dave tells Drew to talk to Bianca and try to work things out. Drew decides to head over to The Dot after Bianca sends him a text, apologizing for not being more sensitive and telling him that she’s waiting for him.
When Drew makes his way out of the school parking lot his paranoia takes over and he takes off when he thinks a pick up truck is following him.
The next morning, Drew fakes sick to stay home from school and tells his mom that he’s trying to distance himself from Bianca.
When Bianca sneaks in Drew’s sliding door to check on him, he almost takes her head off with a golf club that he’s started to carry around for protection. He tells her that he wants to change schools to try to stay safe. He tells Bianca that his life has been the worst it’s ever been since meeting her. Upset and hurt, Bianca tells Drew that she’ll do whatever it takes to keep Vince away from him.
When Bianca finds Vince she tells him that she wants him to stay away from Drew, and if that means working for him, she’ll do it. Unfortunately, Vince doesn’t want an employee; he wants to have sex with Bianca. Reluctantly, she agrees.
Drew finds Bianca at school later that day and she tells him that Vince will stay away for good, but she won’t tell Drew what she had to do to make things even with Vince. Drew is happy that Bianca helped, but he breaks up with her anyways. Way harsh.
On his way home, Drew is surrounded by three of Vince’s friends. They tell him that Bianca had sex with Vince and then proceed to beat the hell out of him. When Drew pleads with them to not kill him, they say they won’t…this time.
Will Vince and his thugs come after Drew again? Will Connor get caught stealing underwear? Will Holly J and Fiona accept Anya and Owen together? Find out this season on Degrassi!

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