July 19, 2011

LoveGame- Much Music Recap


July 19th, 2011
Jenna starts to feel like a single parent, KC is more concerned with having fun that being a dad and Clare can’t figure out why Eli isn’t upset over their split. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode of Degrassi after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah deets. Click here to watch tonight’s episode and click here to read the last recap.
It’s the first day back from Spring Break and Clare is anxious about running into Eli. When she does see her ex, leg cast and all, he doesn’t seem to be bothered in the least that the girl he crashed his hearse for is trying to talk to him. Um, how long was Spring Break? Two weeks plus a couple of years?
It’s everyone’s first day back at Degrassi except for Jenna. She’s taking the year off to look after Ty the tyke, but they stopped by school anyways to say hi to KC…and probably to get out of the apartment.
KC is excited to see them, but more excited to run off to class.
Jenna runs into Alli and pretends that she’s okay not going back to school, but that sleep-deprived sad look says different.
Back at her apartment, Jenna is hoping that her brother can watch Ty for a bit while she sleeps, but he has to run to work. Actually, first he has to point out the fact that KC isn’t around nearly enough to help Jenna, and then he has to run to work. Bro has a point!
When KC finally shows up to hang out with Jenna and Ty it’s for about a whole two seconds. Since Ty is asleep KC thinks he should take the night off daddy duty and join all his friends at Above The Dot, leaving Jenna home, alone, again, with the baby.
Clare can’t figure out what’s up with Eli and his normal-ness, so she and Alli and going to join Dave and Sadie at Above the Dot to hang out…and spy on Eli. Well, that’s Clare’s plan. Unfortunately for Clare she forgot that her mom made dinner plans with her old friend and his son, Jake. Alli heads to Above the Dot, but not before running into Jake.
Um, can we take a swoon break please? I’ll be back in a moment.
Clare seems oblivious to Jake and his hunkness, but when her mom encourages Clare to show Jake around Degrassi, she suggests the go to Above the Dot and get the friend-making started early.
Clare isn’t the only one making a late entrance to the party. Fed up with feeling like a single parent, Jenna shows up at Above the Dot with Ty and tells KC that daddy-duty (or doodie, in the case of a baby) officially starts now. Shocked, KC leaves with Ty while Jenna settles into a fun night with her friends.
Until she falls asleep. Exhausted and drained, Jenna admits to Alli that she’s overwhelmed with Ty. Alli encourages Jenna to talk to KC about her feelings.
From overwhelmed to underwhelmed, Clare still can’t figure out Eli’s nonchalant attitude towards her. She introduces Jake to Eli, hoping this will set her ex off.
Instead it seems like they’re about to add each other to Facerange.
It’s right about noooow that Clare snaps and starts screaming at Eli that it took him a year to get over Julia and he seems to have totally forgotten about her in a few weeks. Jake pulls Clare out of the club and away from what will likely be a hugely embarrassing memory for her.
On the way home, Jake still doesn’t get why Clare is making such a big deal over Eli not caring about her anymore. He can’t seem to get her to move past Eli, so he tries a new distraction technique…and kisses Clare! Wha! That’s two hotties in one year! Who knew the girl that wore a uniform before they were mandatory would have such an enviable love life?
Jenna finally sleepwalks her way to KC’s and it seems that tonight has given KC a reality check. He apologizes for not being more helpful and vows to stop leaving Jenna alone all the time.
The next morning he asks his mom whether Jenna and Ty can move in with them and she says yes!
That morning Clare fills Alli in on her kiss and decides that with the clarity that has come from Jake’s lips, she should apologize the Eli.
Eli accepts her apology and explains that he’s not upset, because he no longer has feelings. He’s started taking anti-anxiety medication and is pretty much devoid of emotion. I’m undecided as to whether this is good or not.
Will KC and Jenna be able to live together? Will Eli keep taking his meds? Will Jake and Clare become Cake? Find out this season on Degrassi!

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