July 27, 2011

Dirt Off Your Shoulder Pt.1- Much Music Recap


July 27th, 2011
Riley’s secret causes Zane to question their relationship, KC finds a place where he’s happy and Eli may have a new Stalker Angel. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode of Degrassi after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah deets. Click here to watch tonight’s episode and click here to read the last recap.
After Riley’s failed attempts to come out to his mother she is now completely freezing him out. She won’t speak to him and when he asks whether he can have a birthday dinner with her and his dad, she blows him off. That is, until she mentions that her friend’s daughter wants to get a sports scholarship like Riley. Riley offers to have dinner with the girl to keep his mom happy, even if it means bailing on plans with Zane. When Riley tells Zane that his mom is finally talking to him, Zane is ecstatic. Riley says that he has to cancel their plans to get together and talk about Mr. Simpson’s health initiative that he wants the boys to run, but Zane understands and is just happy that Riley’s mom is talking to him again. What Riley doesn’t tell Zane is that he’s cancelling to hang out with his mom’s friend’s daughter.
That night Riley and his mom’s friend have dinner at The Dot and it becomes evident pretty quickly that this is more of a date than a meeting. Riley explains that he’s in a relationship and eventually admits that he’s gay. She understands and tells Riley that parents only see what they want to see, so he should present himself as the son they want and live two lives.
Riley thinks this is a great idea and the next day he tells his mom that he had an awesome date with her friend’s daughter. Happy that her son may not be gay after all, Riley’s mom says that the family should go out for Riley’s birthday. That day in the caf Riley shares the good news with Zane about his parents taking him out for his birthday.
Zane is happy for Riley, but when Riley leaves the table to go to the bathroom, Zane sees a text message from Riley’s new friend thanking him for the date last night.
The text message is from unknown, making Zane think that Riley is cheating on him. Um, Zane, you obviously haven’t dated yourself. NO ONE would cheat on you! But I digress.
While Jenna was happy at first that KC was getting a job and helping with bills, she feels even more alone now that it’s just her and the baby all day and all night.
At work KC complains to Marisol about Jenna being frustrated with him all the time.
Marisol invites KC to stay after work and party with the other employees while they clean up. Apparently partying means dancing with Marisol. Uh. Oh.
The next day Jenna calls KC to see how his night was at work and he tells her that he had a lot of fun, making Jenna feel like he’d rather be at work than at home with her.
While having lunch in the caf with Dave, KC says that he’s making time for fun when he’s at work. Dave seems confused by this, until Marisol walks by and tells KC she had a great time with him at work the night before. Things are becoming very clear now to Dave…and the rest of us. Be careful, KC!
Now that Katie has given Clare the awful task of writing about her ex-boyfriend’s play it’s time to get to work. Clare finds Eli and Adam in the morning, but before she can approach Eli he pops one of his anti-anxiety pills. She tells him about the article and he tells her that he’ll give her the best interview of all time. Adam doesn’t think this is such a great idea and neither do I. When Clare leaves, Adam asks Eli if the doctors have figured out why he needs the medication. Eli says they don’t know what’s wrong with him, but until they figure it out the pills are the only thing keeping him sane.
In drama class Eli pitches the concept first to Fiona and later to his teacher, who both find it really, really depressing.
His teacher suggest that Eli go over the play with Clare since they’re such a great writing duo, but she didn’t realize that they had broken up.
Clare finds Eli later for the interview, but instead of giving her the best interview of all time he yells three adjectives at her and then runs off.
The pressure is on Eli to re-write the entire play, but every time he sits down to work he can’t seem to find any inspiration.
When Bullfrog wakes Eli up the next morning for school he tells Eli that the writing can wait. Eli doesn’t need the extra pressure now and should wait until he’s back to himself before trying to write.
Eli agrees, but when he tells Fiona that he’s unable to write the play, she tells Eli that she’s going to ask Clare to write it instead. Eli instantly takes back his resignation and tells Fiona that he’ll get the play done, no matter what.
But Eli still can’t write. Frustrated in the computer lab, he picks up a monitor and smashes it on on the floor! Eli! Is your cray cray? Imogen has been watching Eli all week and when she sees Ms. Oh coming, throws herself on the floor and gives herself a bloody nose, telling Ms. Oh that she tripped over a cord, saving Eli in the process. Um, who are you again?
This is a question that Eli wants an answer to as well. He finds Imogen at her locker and even though he doesn’t know who she is, she definitely knows all about him, including his break up with Clare.
Imogen has also noticed Eli has been popping pills and asks him what they’re for. He tells her that they’re anti-anxiety meds and Imogen tells Eli that these types of meds often block people’s creativity, explaining why Eli has had so much trouble with his writing lately. Imogen hands Eli her bloody Kleenex and then skips down the hall.
Um, what? I don’t know what just happened, but it looks like Eli may have found himself a new Stalker Angel.
Will KC get closer to Marisol? Will Zane listen to Riley’s explanation about his ‘date’? Will Clare be able to write a story about Eli and will Eli be able to write, period? Find out on this season of Degrassi

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