July 26, 2011

Cry Me A River Pt.2- Much Music Recap


July 26th, 2011
Dave and Adam continue their war over words, Clare has made a frienemy at the newspaper and Fiona finds a project to keep her busy. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode of Degrassi after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah deets. Click here to watch tonight’s episode and click here to read the last recap.
Clare has emailed and called Katie and the girl still won’t respond to her. What gives? Alli encourages Clare to try out for a new club, but Clare wants to write and belong to a club where she knows she won’t run into Eli. Clare finds Katie in the newspaper room and tries to talk to her again, but Katie literally pretends she can’t see or hear Clare.
Okay, this chick is really starting to annoy me. When she finally does talk to Clare she yells at her and Clare starts to cry. Clare promises to do whatever Katie says to be a part of the newspaper, but Katie kicks her out of the room instead.
At lunch Alli encourages Sav to use his President status to talk to Katie about letting Clare join the newspaper. Clare tells him she can handle it, but later that day Katie finds Clare and tells her that Sav reamed her out for not having enough Grade 10’s on staff. Katie agrees to let Clare be on the newspaper, but gives her the assignment of writing about the new school play…which will be written by Eli. Katie, who makes it very clear that she knows Eli is Clare’s ex, is, as Alli would say, a ‘b with a side of itch.’
Fiona still hasn’t heard from Charlie and is feeling like going back to New York wouldn’t be the worst thing ever.
Fiona decides to ditch school, AGAIN, and visit Charlie at work. When Fiona pulls up to the scooter shop she sees Charlie and Elise fighting and Charlie crying.
When Elise leaves, Fiona walks up to Charlie and tries to find out if her friend is okay. Charlie tells Fiona to leave and walks away, still crying.
Upset over Charlie rejecting her, Holly J encourages Fiona to find a project that she can dedicate herself to and use to forget about Charlie. When Fiona gets to drama class Eli begs her to help convince the class that a play about a reality tv show is not how they should spend their semester. Happy to have made a new friend, Fiona suggests that Eli write a script, which Imogen seems overly excited about. The drama teacher suggests that Fiona direct Eli’s play, and the entire class votes in favour of this decision.
While Eli and Fiona talk about the play in front of Degrassi, Fiona sees Charlie pull up on her scooter. Charlie explains that Elise isn’t her girlfriend, but her roommate. Charlie has a lot debt from school and hasn’t been able to pay rent, so Elise kicked her out. Fiona invites Charlie to live with her and she says yes!
Holly J points out that a) Fiona probably shouldn’t live with a girl she likes and b) Mrs. Coyne probably won’t be too happy about this arrangement, but Fiona is happy and excited about her new future at Degrassi and with Charlie.
After Dave used the term ‘tranny’ on the radio show the LGBT club has formed a petition to get him off the airwaves. Adam tells Dave about the petition in the caf and says that it wasn’t his idea, but Dave still refuses to apologize. When Dave finds Zane, who is a member of the LGBT club, he tries to get Zane to stop the petition. Zane tells Dave that he used hateful language, but Dave still doesn’t think that he’s done anything wrong.
Dave tries to talk to Sav about the petition, but Sav tells Dave that he can’t let him be on the air anymore. Dave tells Sav that he’ll get Principal Simpson on his side, but Sav tells Dave that he had to calm Simpson down and convince him to not suspend Dave. Adam is going to be doing the show alone now, which sends Dave over the edge.
Dave has come up with a plan to prove that Adam shouldn’t be allowed in the boys bathroom by getting Connor and Wesley to dress up as girls with him and walk into the women’s bathroom.
The tell Dave they won’t participate.
Still, Dave goes through with his plan alone.
Eli and Adam see Dave coming out of the girls bathroom and instantly know trouble is a-comin.
Dave runs into Adam and the two start fighting in the hall.
Principal Simpson pulls them off one another and gives them both detention.
In a room alone, the two finally talk about what’s going on. Dave tells Adam that he thinks it’s weird that he shouldn’t be allowed in the boys bathroom.
Adam explains that he can’t help it if he was born in a girls body but as a guy and compares his fight for everyday things like bathrooms to slavery.
Later that day Dave sees Adam waiting to use the handicap bathroom and seems to finally realize Adam’s view.
Dave sneaks into the radio booth and locks the door, ignoring Mr. Simpson and Sav and turning on his mic. Dave apologies for using the hateful language and says that he wants to try the radio show again with Adam, but this time with an open communication where they can both talk about Adam being transgender and try to understand one another.
Adam agrees and it looks like the two have reached the best outcome.
Will Adam and Dave become friends after all? Will Charlie moving in with Fiona be a disaster? Will Katie spend the rest of the school year hating Clare? Find out this season on Degrassi!

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