July 25, 2011

Cry Me A River Pt.1- Much Music Recap


July 25th, 2011
Clare tries out for the school newspaper, Fiona faces the future of Degrassi without her friends and Dave and Adam try to make a radio show about guys work. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode of Degrassi after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah deets. Click here to watch tonight’s episode and click here to read the last recap.
Now that the rules have started to relax at Degrassi, clubs are back in session. Clare decides that a good way to keep her busy (and to not run into Eli) is to join the school newspaper.
Makes sense, since Clare is a gifted writer and had her story with Eli published. Clare approaches Katie, the Editor of the Degrassi Daily, and asks to join the writing staff.
Katie gives Clare an assignment to write a 100-word article on getting over a break up.
When Clare gives Alli the article at lunch to read over Alli has a few critiques. Like, maybe a 100-word article should actually be that length and not five pages? Five pages! This isn’t the New York Times, Clare!
Still, Clare goes ahead with giving the article to Katie.
Katie has one look at the phone book and tells Clare that the newspaper staff is full.
Upset, Clare and Alli head to The Dot, where Clare runs into Katie and decides to apologize for not following the instructions for the article. I’m not sure whether Katie is over-reacting to Clare giving her an essay to read, doesn’t like Clare, or just isn’t nice, but she walks away from Clare and pretends to not hear her. Dang gurl! That was unnecessary. Clare asks Katie’s friend Marisol what the deal is and Marisol says that Katie doesn’t like drama and that “Clare is drama.” Well, then.
Fiona is short on the credits required to graduate and needs a grade eleven art class, so she decides to join the drama program.
Everyone needs to split into groups and work on ideas for the school play. Fiona tries to join Imogen’s group, but the grade 11 gives her the slip. Um, Imogen? When a popular grade 12 girl asks to join your group, YOU LET HER! Hello! Has this girl ever been to high school? Eli notices that Fiona is left out, but she leaves class before he can ask her to join his group.
Fiona finds Holly J trying on her graduation gown, which is probably quite a bit of salt on her wound. Fiona complains that she won’t have any friends at Degrassi next year after everyone graduates, but Holly J points out that Fiona will still have Charlie.
Feeling better, Fiona decides to skip school, pick up the fixings for a picnic and surprise Charlie at work at the scooter store. When Fiona gets to the store it seems that Charlie isn’t alone. Charlie’s friend (friend or friend-friend?) Elise is there are well.
Fiona (reluctantly) invites both girls for a picnic.
Afterwards, Charlie and Fiona head back to Fiona’s apartment. Charlie invites Fiona to go bowling that night, but their hang out sesh is interrupted by Mrs. Coyne coming home early from the spa and flipping her lid on Fiona skipping school.
Fiona tries calling Charlie the next day to apologize for missing bowling and for her mom yelling, but Charlie won’t pick up or return any of Fiona’s calls. Mrs. Coyne tells Fiona that if she refuses to go to school they’ll both move back to New York. Oh, Fiona. I think she’s the only person in the world that sees moving to New York City as punishment.
With graduation coming, Sav needs some new DJs to take over Degrassi Radio. Dave and Adam both submitted demo tapes for ‘guys’ shows, so Sav decides to have them duel it out in the sound booth. But when Sav turns on their mics without the two guys knowing it, their jokes back and forth catch the attention of the entire school.
It looks like they work best as a team! Still, Dave is nervous about working on a show for dudes with Adam, because he’s transgender. He tells Sadie that he doesn’t really think Adam should be allowed to do the show and Sadie looks as worried about Dave’s comments as I do.
When Dave goes into the bathroom, Adam follows him in to talk about topics they should discuss on air. Dave notices Adam staring at Dave while he pees, and finds it strange.
Dave decides to talk to Sav about doing the radio show without Adam, but Sav tells Dave the radio station received over 100 emails from people saying that they liked Adam and Dave together. Even Dave’s dad is a big fan of the school. Dave decides to stick it out and make the show work with Dave.
Adam tells Eli about what happened, and Eli points out that he shouldn’t be staring at anyone while they pee. Adam explains that he wanted to see how Dave stood at the urinal since he bought a Stand To Pee device and wants to look natural while he uses the aid.
Before Dave shows up for their meeting, Eli tells Adam to act normal and to not mention the bathroom incident.
When Dave shows up to their meeting to work on the show things are tense, but Dave says he’s fine and has had too much caffeine.
When Dave takes a bathroom break Adam follows him in and tries out his Stand To Pee device for the first time. Confused, Dave looks at Adam and startles him, causing Adam to turn around and splash pee on Dave. Adam apologizes, but Dave is pushed too far and runs out of the bathroom.
The next day, Dave shows up at the last minute for their radio show. As soon as the show starts Dave launches into bathroom etiquette and says that girls and transgenders shouldn’t be allowed in the boys bathroom, causing Adam to run out of the radio booth and Sav to cut Dave’s mic.
Will Dave and Adam be able to work together? Will Fiona get through her final semesters at Degrassi? Will Clare learn how to summarize and become a part of the Degrassi daily? Find out on this season of Degrassi!

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