April 22, 2011

Drop The World Pt. 2- Much Music Recap


Eli risks his life to stay with Clare, Holly J learns Fiona’s secret and Jenna and KC welcome a new addition to the family. Find out what went down on the season finale of Degrassi
Spoiler Alert: Do not keep reading if you don't want this episode to be spoiled for you...
A newly single Holly J has decided that the only two people she wants to go to the dance with are Fiona and Anya. Holly J thinks that asking them through email is too high tech and goes the old fashion route by placing flowers in their hair. Anya, knowing that Fiona is in love with Holly J, is less than helpful in this situation, but hilarious for the rest of us.
Later that day Holly J and Anya are talking about dress shopping and Holly J shares that she’s excited for their sleep over at Fiona’s. Worried that Holly J is leading Anya on, Anya tells Holly J that Fiona is in love with her.
Shocked at first, Holly J remembers the kiss Fiona planted on her at the Bobby trial and realizes that everything makes sense. She promises not to act differently around Fiona, but that’s gonna be pretty difficult.
While the girls are getting ready for the dance, Holly J fakes a text message from her mom and says that she’s not allowed to sleep over anymore. Anya gives her ‘tude, and rightly so.
At the dance that night, Holly J tells Anya that she thinks the only reason Fiona has feelings for her is because she doesn’t know any other lesbians. Holly J decides to set Fiona up with another girl at school, even though, for once, Anya is the voice of reason.
Fiona is super peeved a Holly J for ditching her at the dance when she just wanted to hang out with her friends.
Holly J apologizes and says that she found out that Fiona has feelings for her and doesn’t want to lead her best friend on. Fiona explains that she knows they can’t be together and doesn’t want to lose her bestie. They pinky swear to stay friends (people still pinky swear?) and continue the night as besties. Hooooray!
Dave and the boys (and some girls) show up at KC’s place, ready for the bachelor party.
KC is still putting the crib together (still? How big is this crib/baby) and doesn’t believe that Jenna would let him miss the dance. Dave reminds KC about the basketball court (who could forget that blow out) and tells KC there is no way he would cross Jenna. Good point.
KC and Drew are having fun being 16 and playing video games, but the rest of the guests, namely Bianca and Dave, are boooooored.
Dave and Bianca look for something else to do and Bianca finds a game of Twister. After KC opens his gag gift from Dave and Drew, which contains handcuffs, he decides to liven up the party by handcuffing himself to Bianca for a game of Twister. Dave didn’t bring a key. Wait, didn’t he mention that? Um, NO! Is you cray cray Dave?
As the guys rummage through KC’s place trying to find anything to get the cuffs off with, Jenna and Chantay are hanging out at the dance.
You know, nothin’ big going on…slow night.
Oh wait, Jenna is in labour! Her water breaks all over the gym floor and thankfully Chantay was there with Jenna…and her absorbent shoes.
Chantay calls the guys and KC and Bianca, who you know, kinda had to go along, meet Jenna and Chantay at the hospital – with the new baby! Awwwww cute as a button. Boy or girl? Boy or girl? Guess we’ll have to wait until Season 11. Oh Degrassi, why must you tease us so?
Things are still rocky for EClare. Eli runs after Clare before school and she finally stops trying to aovid him long enough to say that she needs more space. Eli says that he understands, but when he gets his backpack out of the hearse Clare sees his hunting gun that he used to shoot Julia’s picture.
This is soooooooo not good.
Freaked out, obvs, Clare hugs Eli and tells him that things will be fine.
Later that day Eli is telling Adam that he’s giving Clare space and from his perspective things actually are looking better.
That is until he is called down to the office. Clare, thankfully, called Bullfrog and told him about the gun. He screams at Eli that the gun should never leave the house and tells Eli that he’s taking the hearse away from him as well as his trip to Bloomington with Clare.
I guess Eli didn’t tell his dad that Clare backed out of the trip?
Eli finds Clare later in the cafeteria and calmly confronts her about calling Bullfrog. Eli jokes that he would never use the gun and that he isn’t crazy, but I think we’re all officially worried that there is something really wrong with him.
Eli tells Clare that he still wants to go away with her that night, but Clare tells him that she’s going to the dance. He gives her an utlimatum to meet him at the bench or he’ll know she doesn’t love him.
With his keys taken away from him, Eli hotwires the hearse and drives to the bench to meet Clare.
At the dance, Clare tells Alli that she doesn’t know what to do about Eli.
Alli points out that their relationship shouldn’t be this stressful and that Eli is pressuring Clare too much. Still, Clare feels guilty and calls Eli.
After waiting around, Eli finally gets up and drives off with Morty. I feel like this bench is cursed.
Eli screams at Clare that she ripped his heart out and lied when she promised to never leave him. Clare tells him that they need to break up and that she hates who he’s become and hates the hearse. Eli takes this as a sign to get rid of Morty and drives as fast as he can into a wall, smashing his car and almost killing himself, all with Clare on the other end of the phone.
Clare finds Eli at the hospital with a broken leg and his neck in a cast. Elated to see her, Eli tells her that he got rid of the car for her and that he knew she would come to see him if he was hurt. Upset and overwhelmed, Clare ends things for good with Eli.
Clare walks back to school and finds Alli waiting for her. The two talk and Clare realizes that her relationship with Eli had become unhealthy.
Rather than be sad, they decide to go back into the dance and have a night of fun before the spring break.

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