September 1, 2011

New Characters- Info

Oh snap. We've got some new info on the characters, Maya and Tori. Well Tori's last name
was changed from Hilson to uh...Santamaria. (I know right) Again, I will update as needed. Check back. They might decide to change Tori's name again... 

Maya Matlin is an upcoming new freshman (Grade 9) in the second half of Season 11. Maya is in the shadow of her older sister, Katie, and dreading Grade 9. She hopes to break free of sports — which she plays to please her parents — and embrace her love for music. She wishes her parents had let her attend an arts school, but hopes to meet like-minded artsy friends in band class. Maya is portrayed by Olivia Scriven.

Tori Santamaria will be a new ninth grader at Degrassi for the second part of Season 11. Tori’s parents have indulged her every whim with a stream of dance lessons, kid modeling jobs, and beauty pageants. Having never heard ‘no’, Tori enters grade nine believing she’s the best at everything. She is portrayed by Alex Steele, who previously portrayed Angela Jeremiah.

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