September 2, 2011

Dead And Gone Pt. 2- Recap

Ah, prom night. If it weren't filled with awkward relationship baggage, mini-scandal, and heart-stopping danger, it wouldn't be Degrassi. Riley knows he can't keep up the straight act forever; it's time for his mom to accept reality. Sav is looking at his one and only chance with Ms. Oh -- if he can just get her alone. Jake begins to wonder whether his relationship with Clare is strong enough to survive living together. And Drew is gamely trying to make best buds out of Katie and Bianca, but any progress he's making is interrupted when Vince makes an appearance... with a gun. As prom night goes careening out of control and the students of Degrassi face some of the biggest decisions of their lives... it's now or never.

I expected the "AHH moment!" (aka Adam being shot by Vince) to be a little more dramatic. It was still sad to see Adam like that, but there was no reason to worry. You just knew he was going to be okay. What made this episode great though, was the amazing acting of Alicia (Bianca), especially in the scene where she was standing outside with the gun. It was just... awesome.  

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