August 3, 2011

Paper Planes Pt. 2- Much Music Recap


August 3rd, 2011
Anya has one last chance to get into school, Fiona comes clean to Charlie and Connor’s dirty little secret is revealed. Find out what happened on last night’s episode of Degrassi!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah spoilers. Click here to watch the most recent episode and clickhere to read the last recap. 
Anya starts the morning by lying to her mom about staying late at The Dot to work on her essay for university admission. Alone in the bathroom, Anya takes the coke she got from Chloe and hides it in the necklace her mom bought her years ago. This is some serious Cruel Intentions ish going on in hurre.
Anya finds Owen at school and kinda apologizes for doing coke and grinding with another dude in front of him. Probably gonna need a better apology than that.
Anya lies to Holly J and says she wasn’t out the night before and Holly J is relieved since University interviews are killer. Holly J agrees to coach Anya. Hopefully trick number one is ‘don’t do coke before interviews’.
Before the interview, Anya loses her confidence and the admissions interviewer isn’t helping.
Scared, Anya decides to snort coke in his office when he steps out.
Oh fuzz. But she seems to actually do…well. This isn’t a good anti-drug ad.
After not hearing from the University, Anya shows up the next morning at the admissions counselors’ office.
She didn’t get into school and the counselor even thought she was on drugs. Okay, anti-drug ad is back on.
Upset at home, Anya decides to pull out her magic necklace. Her mom walks into the bathroom and almost discovers what Anya’s hiding, but Anya takes off before her mom can really talk to her.
Anya heads to the club and finds the guy she was dancing with the night before. Can we please take a moment and discuss the fact that this dude looks just like Owen? Like, just like him! You know who else looks like Anya’s boyfriend Owen? OWEN! Dance with him, fool!
After Connor knocked Alli over running out of the girls change room the school is on high alert. Wesley, knowing it was Connor, doesn’t want to be associated with his friend. Connor lies and says it wasn’t him.
Wesley, Connor and Hanna present their Dress Match App to class and everyone loves it. Well, everyone but Alli, who recognizes her clothes that Connor took pics of in the change room. Alli tells Hanna and Wesley about her sweater being in their presentation and they realize that Connor was the guy in the locker room. Connor is called into Mr. Simpson’s office and says he knows it was Connor in the girls change room.
Connor finally admits that he also stole women’s underwear. Connor gets upset and starts to push Mr. Simpson, who is finally able to calm him down. Mr. Simpson has to suspend Connor, but while he’s suspended he’s going to get help for his behavioural problems caused by his Asperger Syndrome. Wesley is upset that Connor is leaving, but Connor is happy that he’s going to learn how to deal with high school.
Charlie suggests celebrating their lack of bed bugs with champagne. When Fiona gets nervous, Charlie assumes it’s because Fiona has never had a drink.
Oh gurl, you is wrong. Fiona tells Charlie that she’s falling for her and doesn’t want to mess it up and Charlie feels the same. They both agree to take it slow…and then totally make out.
In drama class, Eli notices that Fiona is glowing and she tells him that things have gone far with Charlie. Eli looks like he’s about to pass out. Hilarious. Fiona tells him that Charlie wants to drink and doesn’t know that Fiona is an alcoholic. Eli suggests writing a play. How much does everyone love Eli in this scene? So much.
Fiona comes home to a candle lit dinner made by Charlie and finally admits that she’s an alcoholic.
Fiona thinks she’ll be able to still drink, but freaks out and realizes she’s not strong enough yet. Fiona talked to her therapist and she said that she can’t be around alcohol. Fiona thinks the fact that she didn’t tell Charlie sooner means that she’s not ready to be in a relationship.
Charlie decides to move out. Le tear.

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