August 30, 2011

Now or Never Moments!

Degrassi: Now or Never is coming to an end... Its time for me to share with you the Now or Never moments of Holly J, Fiona, and Adam. (My favorite characters)

Holly J - "U Don't Know"

Holly J is at end stage kidney failure. She needs a transplant, but it might not be that easy. Family are the most 
likely donors. One problem- her parents have different blood types. (What! How is that possible??) Holly J finds
out she is adopted and start's looking for her birth parents. She finds her birth mom, Dawn, hoping she will she
be able to give her a kidney. Dawn gets a blood test which comes back positive, but she wants $20,000, which
Fiona ends up helping out with.

Now Holly J has a new kidney. Yay! I just love Holly J and Fiona's friendship. (:

Fiona- "Take A Bow" 
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Fiona feels lonely and unloved. Charlie doesn't love her and Holly J's leaving her. She starts drinking again.
(Why Fiona!?) But its different this time. I like how Fiona's drinking wasn't the main problem here. It was
Fiona's fear of being alone. Well its back to rehab. Don't worry Fi, everything will be okay!

Adam- "Cry Me A River"
Dave is uncomfortable with Adam being in the boy's washroom with him and he embarrasses him on the radio, 
calling him a "tranny". He then dresses up as a girl and tries to go into the girls washroom to prove a point. 
Adam stands up for himself, saying "Its not about dressing up as a guy" and then gets an apology from Dave.

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