August 11, 2011

Lose Yourself Pt. 2- Much Music Recap


August 11th, 2011
Jenna and KC make a decision about their future as parents and as a couple, Clare makes a discovery about Love Roulette and Sav takes his relationship with Ms. Oh outside the halls of Degrassi. Find out what happened on tonight’s episode after the jump!
Spoiler alert! This recap contains mayjah spoilers. Click here to watch the most recent episode and clickhere to read the last recap.
After their trip to the hospital as a result of Ty’s fall, Jenna gets a call that Child Services will be visiting them that day in their apartment.
Jenna and KC’s mom clean the apartment to get ready for the visit and KC’s mom calms Jenna down about the visit. She encourages Jenna to go to school and present the song with Sav.
Jenna finds Alli in the hall and thanks her for suggesting she work with Sav.
Jenna asks whether Alli has seen KC and the two watch KC get into a car with Marisol.
Jenna asks Alli if KC and Marisol hang out and Alli pretends to no know. But Dave walks up and he does know.
And now so does Jenna.
KC gets home in time for the meeting with child services and Jenna accuses him of cheating.
KC denies it at first and then admits that something happened with Marisol, but he ended it. Upset, Jenna swings around and hits KC in the head with her guitar. Accident? Of course, Child Services shows up two seconds later. Roh row.
The CS Rep doesn’t want Ty left home with Lisa, KC’s mom, because she’s been out of jail less than a year and has a history of drug abuse. For now, the baby can stay, but KC or Jenna will have to quit school.
KC and Jenna try to figure out how to make their situation work, but Jenna takes off upset and hurt over KC’s cheating and the fact that she has quit school.
The next day the CS Rep is back and watching Jenna and KC. Still upset, Jenna asks whether adoption is still an option. Enraged, KC tells her that there is no way they’re losing Ty, but Jenna seems to be seriously considering the option.
When KC gets home from school Jenna tries to talk to him again about adoption. He says that he doesn’t want to be a bad father, but Jenna points out that he’s never home and doesn’t really want to be a dad. It looks like they’ve agreed on adoption, but then the final blow comes when KC tells Jenna that she can’t stay with him if Ty is gone. Dang, KC! You could have waited a day! Jenna’s brother moved away, so who will she live with now?!?!
Sav’s unwanted partnership with Mo to work on the score for Love Roulette is actually working out. Their music is great, but Sav has to put up with Mo’s teasing about Ms. Oh.
After Ms. Oh tells Sav, Mo and Jenna that she loves their song, Mo tells Sav to take a chance and try to hook up with Ms. Oh. Is he just trying to get Sav in trouble and off the play? During the lunch meeting Ms. Oh plays the song that Mo emailed her and it’s the song Sav wrote about Ms. Oh. I knew it!
Sav finds Mo and tells him that he can have the job of Music Supervisor if he’s going to play dirty like this. Mo apologizes and says that he is really trying to help. Mo gives Sav a ticket to the Justin Rutledge concert as a peace offering.
Lots of hot ladies are in the bar, including Ms. Oh.
Ms. Oh!
Oh no.
Drama break – let’s just enjoy the awesomeness that is Justin Rutledge. Amazing music and hella cute. Check him out!
Annnnd we’re back. While trying to sneak out of the bar Sav runs right into Ms. Oh. Excited, she tells all her friends that Sav is the guy that wrote the song for her. Guess she figured it out! She invites him to watch the concert with her and her friends. Nice!
The next day Mo tries to get deets from Sav, but Sav just tells him that they sat together. When she walks by, Sav calls her Winnie, but she tells him it’s Ms. Oh. Snaps. Then gives him a wink. Different kind of snaps. Snaps!
Clare decides to just ‘help out’ with Jake’s set building. Jake seems skeptical and finally demands that Clare tell him why she’s really there. Clare tells Jake that she’s scared Eli will hurt Jake, but Jake isn’t worried. He said that Eli explained Fitz wasn’t really supposed to drink the Ipecac at Vegas night and Jake believed him. Oh, and Eli wants Jake to read for the character of ‘Fritz’. Oh boy.
Clare tries talking to Adam about Love Roulette and Adam suggests a superhero to set everything straight. Clare decides to Clark Kent (Clara Kent?) herself into the play. I’m not sure what this means.
During the read through of the play Clare is sitting court side taking notes for the Degrassi Daily and offering her own notes on the script.
Spoiler – she’s not impressed. Finally, Fiona asks Clare to leave the room.
After rehearsal Clare waits for Jake in his truck. She explains what really happened on Vegas night and Jake stops Clare and tells her that he would never believe Eli over her. Jake encourages Clare to actually read the play.
After reading the play Clare finds Eli in the drama room and apologizes for being upset about the play.
Confused, she asks Eli why he made Clara the hero. Eli replies, “Because she is.” Swoon! Then they share an EClare moment like only EClare can. Okay, now I kinda think there is hope they’ll get back together.
Will Eli’s plan to win Clare back work? Where will Jenna live after she and KC give Ty up for adoption? Will anything happen between Sav and Ms. Oh? Find out this season on Degrassi!

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